When the New Year begins so many people make New Year resolutions that involve either getting in shape, loosing weight, getting organized or some other self-improvement. This motivation only intensifies as summer is approaching. Have you considered improving your image? If you have, you may have considered getting a new wardrobe or maybe go to the mall and have someone do your make-up to see how you can look different. People tend to change things that seem pretty safe so if they don’t like the new look they can go back to the old look. If you really want to improve your image take a hand mirror into the bathroom. This takes a lot of courage! First, look at yourself in the bathroom mirror. This view shows you the basic image of yourself. As you get closer you begin to see more details of your face. Now turn sideways and hold the hand mirror in front of your face but angle it 45 degrees so that you can see your image in the mirror in front of you and to your side. Now you are able to see in detail your side profile. This would show you your facial structure, such as jaw line, cheek bones, and nose shape. As you continue to turn slowly around, look through the mirror in your hand to see your image in the bathroom mirror. You will be able see the hair line when you lift up your hair, the shape of your head, the nape area. You will be able to see features that you like about your face and head and features you want to soften or if possible hide.
You may wonder how you can soften or hide the features that you may not like. It is not an easy task unless you have experience in this area. Plastic surgery is what most people think is the answer to alter what you don’t like about yourself but the problem doesn’t get solved. As one part gets changed it tends to create more areas that need to be changed. Getting the right hair cut could balance the face and the overall image of a person. An experienced hair designer will be able to create a hair cut that will soften sharp features on a face and cover imperfections of the head. Remember that the face and hair is 80% of your look. Since that is true, creating a new image needs to start with your hair.
You may wonder how you can soften or hide the features that you may not like. It is not an easy task unless you have experience in this area. Plastic surgery is what most people think is the answer to alter what you don’t like about yourself but the problem doesn’t get solved. As one part gets changed it tends to create more areas that need to be changed. Getting the right hair cut could balance the face and the overall image of a person. An experienced hair designer will be able to create a hair cut that will soften sharp features on a face and cover imperfections of the head. Remember that the face and hair is 80% of your look. Since that is true, creating a new image needs to start with your hair.